Rogue One: A Star Wars Review

Podcast Screen Heroes
Screen Heroes
Screen Heroes
Rogue One: A Star Wars Review

The first of the Star Wars Anthology films has hit theaters! Rogue One has landed and we break down the whole film from plot to characters to special effects. We discuss how the film lived up to or missed our expectations. Plus, we break down how Rogue One impacts the original trilogy and existing Star Wars canon. Be prepared, there are spoilers. You have been warned!

Then, we talk a little bit about our plans for 2017 that include new podcast series coming to the Heroes Podcast Network! So listen in and enjoy! Then, let us know your thoughts on Rogue One in the comments or social media!

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Rogue One – A Star Wars Review Podcast Credits

Derreck Mayer
Rachel Stewart
Ryan Couture

Special Guests
Ian Turner

Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer

Derreck Mayer

Michael Wallace (Flying Killer Robots)


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