It’s Morphin’ Time!

Podcast Screen Heroes
Screen Heroes
Screen Heroes
It's Morphin' Time!

It’s Morphin Time! So, break out those old Zords and make sure to grab your power coins because it’s time to break down the new Power Rangers movie starring Elizabeth Banks and Bryan Cranston. Before we morph, we talk some news including the new trailers for Justice League and Spider-Man: Homecoming. We talk about our thoughts on tone, style, and personal interest. Then it’s all Power Rangers. Spoilers are here, so be ware! Plot points, happenings, and more are discussed about the new movie, so if you don’t want spoilers, hit the good old pause button and join us later.

Head over to our Facebook page to let us know your thoughts on the new Power Rangers movie. Do you want a sequel? Who would you want the villain to be? What did this movie do well or not? Let us know!

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Screen Heroes Podcast Credits

Derreck Mayer
Rachel Stewart
Ryan Couture

Special Guest
Jordan Seper

Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer

Derreck Mayer

Michael Wallace (Flying Killer Robots)


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