Glass Movie Review

Podcast Screen Heroes
Screen Heroes
Screen Heroes
Glass Movie Review

We take on M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable sequel 19 years in the making, Glass… which is also a sequel to Split. Before we dive into the McAvoy\Willis\Jackson triangle trilogy, we talk news including this year’s Oscar nominations, which nominations we like, which we don’t, and what films we think might win some of the categories. Then we discuss a bit about the newly announced Ghostbusters movie that returns to the original timeline. Finally, ShazamGate continues into 2019!

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What do you think of Glass? Do you think it was a worthy sequel to Unbreakable? How do you feel about the new Ghostbusters?  We want to know! Comment below or hit us up @HeroesPodcasts on Twitter or Facebook!

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Screen Heroes Podcast Credits

A Heroes Podcast Network Production

Derreck Mayer
Rae Stewart
Ryan Couture

Executive Producer & Editor
Derreck Mayer

Flying Killer Robots


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