Bullying and Star Wars

Echo Station Podcast
Echo Station
Echo Station
Bullying and Star Wars

In this weeks episode Kris and Ian talk about the controversial  subject of bullying in the Star Wars community and how it effects the fans, the actors, and the overall feel of Star Wars. They sit down and talk about actor Ahmed Best (Jar-Jar Binks) and the recent video he released about his struggles after The Phantom Menace came out and what he went through, actress Kelly Marie Tran, Daisy Ridley, their own experiences with bullying and so much more. Warning! There is mention and talk of not only bullying but suicide as well in this episode. So if you are uncomfortable with talking or hearing about said subject we recommend you listen to the news section and then turn it off after. We realize that it is a heavy subject to speak about and not everyone is comfortable with talking and or listening about it.

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Echo Station Podcast Credits

A Heroes Podcast Network Production

Kristina Davis
Ian Turner

Executive Producer & Editor
Derreck Mayer

Flying Killer Robots

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