Let’s be honest, a lot of podcasts have talked about Star Trek’s second pilot “Where No Man Has Gone Before”. But don’t worry! We’ve got our own fresh take on the classic Gary Mitchell episode, especially since this is Jeremy’s first viewing! We also announce our new format going forward that will make covering classic Trek a little smoother and hopefully more fun.
Join us next week for our first episode in the all new format when we review City on the Edge of Forever and The Alternative Factor!
How do you feel about “Where No Man Has Gone Before”? Do you think Gary Mitchell makes a solid antagonist?
Comment below or hit us up @HeroesPodcasts on Twitter or Facebook!
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Redshirts & Runabouts Podcast Credits
A Heroes Podcast Network Production
Greg Bosko
Derreck Mayer
Jeremy Monken
Executive Producer & Editor
Derreck Mayer
Flying Killer Robots
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