The first trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story dropped last week and everyone is talking about it, including us! Rogue One is the first of the Anthology films set in the Star Wars universe. This film takes place prior to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and focuses on the theft of the original Deathstar plans, no Bothans here. With me out of the commission for the evening, Rae and Ryan are joined by returning guest Ian from Haus of Turner Cosplay to talk about the trailer, their thoughts for the film, and some of the possibilities for the next two planned Anthology films, the next of which focuses on Han Solo.
Catch the trailer here and then join our podcast team for an analysis of what’s to come this December! Oh, and may the Force be with you, always.
Don’t forget to join us live on Twitch each week at 8PM CST as we live stream our recordings of these podcast episodes! You can subscribe at\griddaily today!
Rogue One Podcast Credits
Rachel Stewart
Ryan Couture
Special Guest
Ian Turner
Nikki Lynn
Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer
Derreck Mayer
Michael Wallace (Flying Killer Robots)
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