This week we have a very cool interview with the CEO and Founder of Serenity Forge, Z himself. We talk with him about his passion for video games, what brought him into the gaming world, and his developer and publishing company, Serenity Forge. Serenity Forge has developed some really fun and unique titles including The Kind’s Bird, Pixel Galaxy, and Loving Life. Plus, Serenity Forge has published other titles and even collaborated on development and publishing on others.
We also talk a little news, including some bad news for Amazon Prime members, the first US-based Switch bundle, and the possibility of the Xbox One X finally being available for pre-order.
00:57 – Amazon and the Pre-Order Discount
06:10 – Splatoon Switch Bundle and new Joy-Cons
10:15 – Xbox One X Pre-Orders Maybe Soon?
11:20 – Z from Serenity Forge
44:20 – Closing Thoughts and Contest Details
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Podcast Credits
Jon Czerwinski
Derreck Mayer
Special Guest
Zhenghua “Z” Yang
Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer
Derreck Mayer
Flying Killer Robots
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