RR09: Discovering Discovery

Podcast Redshirts & Runabouts
Redshirts & Runabouts
Redshirts & Runabouts
RR09: Discovering Discovery

We take a look back at the first nine Star Trek: Discovery episodes during the first week of the show’s winter hiatus. Discussions include our thoughts on the first chapter of Discovery including what we loved and what we thought could have been better. Then, we talk about our personal favorite characters. Did we pick Burnham? Saru? Lorca? You’ll have to listen in!

Finally, we throw around some thoughts, ideas, and hopes for the rest of the season and beyond!

What do you think of Discovery so far? What do you want to see in the final six episodes of Season 1? What about Season 2? Comment below or hit us up @HeroesPodcasts on Twitter or Facebook!

Join our three-man crew for a journey that will span decades, every episode, every series, every movie, and every possible timeline no matter how small.

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Redshirts & Runabouts Podcast Credits

Greg Bosko
Derreck Mayer
Jeremy Monken

Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer

Derreck Mayer

Flying Killer Robots

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