Before we return to our TNG Mek’ba next week, Greg and Derreck sit down to talk about the Tones of Trek. In short, how did and do they tones of the various Star Trek TV series and films vary? How do the characters grow? What might have caused the tone of one show to be different from another? We also talk a bit about the Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth news pertaining to Star Trek (1)4 and Paramount’s response to the situation.
What do you think about the our Tones of Trek discussion? Do you see a show or character in a different light? Comment below or hit us up @RedshirtsPod on Twitter!
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Redshirts & Runabouts Podcast Credits
A Heroes Podcast Network Production
Greg Bosko
Derreck Mayer
Executive Producer & Editor
Derreck Mayer
Flying Killer Robots
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