Prepping 4 Picard #9: Season 7

#Prepping4Picard concludes with our 9th episode in the series! This week, we cover two Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 7 episodes off our Top 20 Quintessential Picard list. This week’s episodes include the two-part “Gambit” and the double length series finale, “All Good Things…”! Don’t forget to join our brand new Facebook community! […]


RR48: Star Trek (2009) Kelvin Review

Alright Acting Captains. It’s time to punch it, fire everything, and elicit some emotional responses! We take a trip over the Kelvin timeline this week with our review of Star Trek (2009), the reboot\sequel\prequel from J. J. Abrams. Before beginning our Kelvin journey, we talk some news, specifically the details surrounding the newly announced Star […]


RR46: Star Trek Insurrection Review

We continue our Star Trek: The Next Generation era movie reviews with Insurrection, the third installment from Picard’s Enterprise crew. Rae and Zach join Derreck for this movie review continuation. We discuss budgeting differences between the TNG era films, overall plot, how Insurrection might just be the most “Trek” of the TNG films, things we […]
