We build the ultimate Star Trek crew! We cover ten different ship positions\roles and fill those spots with characters from all five previous Star Trek series. That’s right, our Ultimate Crew includes characters from every series currently out. We pick our First Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Counselor, our Captain, and more.
Then, when we’re done, we discussing our Ultimate Sci-Fi Crew that covers the same roles but across all of science fiction outside of Trek!
So listen in and let us know what you think of our Ultimate Star Trek Crew, plus who would show up on your roster!
Also, go to Screen-Heroes.com right now to subscribe to us on iTunes and drop us a review. If you do, we’ll be sure to give you a shout-out in a future episode!
Want to join the conversation? Join us live every Tuesday night at 9PM EST on Twitch to chat with us! We’ll answer questions and note comments live on the broadcast! Follow at: twitch.tv/heroespodcasts
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Prefer to watch the show? Catch the broadcast below!
Screen Heroes Podcast Credits
Derreck Mayer
Rachel Stewart
Ryan Couture
Special Guests
Christopher Scott
Jeremy Monken
Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer
Derreck Mayer
Flying Killer Robots
Social Media