GH30 – Do You Even Half-Life?

Gamer Heroes Podcast
Gamer Heroes
Gamer Heroes
GH30 - Do You Even Half-Life?

We’ve got tons to talk about this week including more details on the upcoming Ataribox home console, tons of Indie games at Nintendo’s Nindie event including SteamWorld Dig 2, Sony’s PSVR gets a price cut, Microsoft discontinues the OG XBox One, Overwatch makes massive changes to Mercy and D.Va, plus our thoughts on Half-Life with special guest, Ryan of Screen Heroes and Buster Props! So Stay tuned!

02:58 – Ataribox Crowdfunding and Dates

09:00 – PSVR Price Cut & the State of VR

15:05 – SteamWorld Dig 2 and Other Nindie Games

21:45 – Overwatch Tweaks Mercy and D.Va, Big Time

36:00 – OG Xbox One is Discontinued

37:05 – Half-Life 3 and What Could Have Been

53:25 – Closing Thoughts and Contest Details

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Podcast Credits

Jon Czerwinski
Derreck Mayer

Special Guest
Ryan Couture

Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer

Derreck Mayer

Flying Killer Robots

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