RR03: The Tardigrade Cares not for the Discovery’s Cry

Podcast Redshirts & Runabouts
Redshirts & Runabouts
Redshirts & Runabouts
RR03: The Tardigrade Cares not for the Discovery's Cry

What alien species was the most misunderstood? Whose motives did we not quite get? We discuss this and then take a deep dive into Star Trek: Discovery Episode 4 – “The Butcher’s Knife Cares not for the Lamb’s Cry”. We talk about the tardigrade, dilithium, the Klingon plot, Captain Georgiou, and how the design of the USS Discovery finally comes into play.

We also announce the winner of our ATB Publishing Outside In: Makes It So Facebook contest and give a shout out to our first iTunes reviewer!

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Redshirts & Runabouts Podcast Credits

Greg Bosko
Derreck Mayer
Jeremy Monken

Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer

Derreck Mayer

Flying Killer Robots

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