Jim Henson has brought us countless worlds populated by incredible puppets. Whether it was in Star Wars with the Jedi Master Yoda, the entire cast of The Muppets, Sesame Street, The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, or any number of other films and TV series, Henson productions brought to life non-human characters that, in many cases, seemed more alive than their living counterparts.
This week, we bring in a NECA sculpting expert to talk about Jim Henson’s productions, styles, relationships with other creators, and movie special effects in general.
Don’t forget to check out our Patreon for a look at our first ever movie scene parody! We filmed a parody of a classic Pulp Fiction scene! Don’t miss it.
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Screen Heroes Podcast Credits
Derreck Mayer
Rachel Stewart
Ryan Couture
Special Guest
Jason Frailey
Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer
Derreck Mayer
Flying Killer Robots
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