Just yesterday, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. announced that the upcoming DCEU film, Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice will receive a special “Ultimate” R-Rated cut on Blu-Ray. This, of course, comes in the wake of the incredible success of Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool, which has shattered R-Rated film records and stands to bring in more than ten times its budget and already has a sequel underway. Many people, like James Gunn are worried that people will take away the wrong message about Deadpool’s success while others think this is a big opportunity for other franchises like Wolverine and Batman to finally see more gritty and darker tones that more closely match their comic book counterparts.
To address the issue, we sit down to talk about the success of Deadpool, our thoughts on an R-Rated Batman movie, and how other comic book movies have fared with their R-rating. Join us for the discussion and then comment with your thoughts. Let us know if you think certain comic book franchise are deserving of an R-Rating or if these films are just asking for trouble.
R-Rated Comic Book Films Podcast Credits
Derreck Mayer
Rae Stewart
Ryan Couture
Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer
Derreck Mayer
Michael Wallace (Flying Killer Robots)
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