Halloween is almost here, meaning it’s time to celebrate the films we all love and sometimes love to hate for their intensity, gore, and startling surprises. That’s right, it’s time to pick our favorite films including horror, ghosts, zombies, vampires, slashers, and more! With returning guest, Ian of Haus of Turner Cosplay, we each pick our own favorites dating back to the black and white films all the way through 2016.
We had a lot of fun with people in the Twitch chat this week, so be sure to join us live and be part of the episode!
Want to join the conversation? Join us live every Tuesday night at 8PM CST on Twitch to chat with us! We’ll answer questions and note comments live on the broadcast! Follow at: twitch.tv\griddaily
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Halloween Special Podcast Credits
Derreck Mayer
Rachel Stewart
Ryan Couture
Special Guest
Ian Turner
Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer
Derreck Mayer
Michael Wallace (Flying Killer Robots)
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